Thursday, September 29, 2005

I have a story to share...

August 27 started out rainy... 6am thunderstorms, and it was nice to just snuggle up with Aaron and sleep in. By noon, though, it was beautiful and sunny and warm. I found a new trail on my michigan county map and convinced Aaron to go hiking at the "Lost Lake Trail". Out past Interlochen, then north on back roads for a few miles. The pine trees were tall, like a roof overhead, but lower branches and brush had been cleared out for general camping.

We started walking up a hill on a thin trail, past pine and maple trees, ferns, fall flowers. We stopped to take a look at a stream flowing through marshy land; the sun was warm and the sounds were of birds and the water. Aaron tried to make it a special moment ("... can't you just see our future family coming here...") but I was worried about the poison ivy he was standing in, so we started walking again back on the trail.

We stopped at the top of the hill in a mossy clearing, to sit down and take a drink... and of course, steal a kiss or two. I was standing, ready to go, but Aaron wasn't ready. He looked at me, took a box out of his pocket, and went down on one knee; he opened the box and there was a ring. (I think my exact response was: "wow") I sat down next to him, and he told me "I love you, and want to be with you forever. Will you marry me?" Not being quick with words, I kissed him instead. He told me later he didn't know what that meant (was it "I love you but not that much", or "ask me later"...) Afterwards, though, I said "yes, of course I want to marry you" and he put the ring on my finger, and his hand trembled only a little.

The ring belonged to his great-grandmother, who was married in around 1900 in an area of Europe that has historically belonged to Poland and Russia. It was their only belonging that they didn't sell in order to escape the pograms and go to Canada. And it stayed on her hand until being given to Aaron's mom (at hs graduation), who gave it two days ago to Aaron...

After that we finished our walk, laughing about everything, then drove to Frankfort. In the public library parking lot we called family and friends to tell them the good news; first responses were generally "wow, great!" and then "so when's the date?" We ate dinner at Fusion (chinese/thai/indian), and walked to the beach to watch sunset. It was a beautiful afternoon, and the perfect day.

Thought you would enjoy that. I'll post more info about the special date, and pictures, soon...

Monday, September 12, 2005

Well, I took a major blogging hiatus for the summer. At first it was because I was overworked and underpaid (12-hour days for all of May and June, on OB and Psychiatry respectively), and then my computer came down with a nasty little cold that gradually seemed to take over. Internet went on the fritz and I had to borrow a computer while I reformatted and reloaded Windows (me, the I-knew-computers-in-1996-when-they-were-simple) WOOHOO! I did great, even created a partition.

So you can let out the breath I know you'd been holding these three months... what I'm up to now...

I'm on Cardiology at Munson, working with 2 doctors and 4 "physician extenders;" I see 2-4 patients a day and discuss them with the doctor. Sometimes I pick up on pertinent stuff (like a bicarb of 49 when 20-28 is normal) and other times I miss it (like the potassium in the IV when their K is already high). I'm learning quite a bit. I've been staying up later than I would recommend to my patients, and frankly am quite tired.

Just went to Wheatland music fest, where I saw Steppin' In It on the main stage for the first time :) That was awesome. I also saw Greensky Bluegrass, Hillbilly Idol, Ray Bookbinder (that blues man can tell stories!), King Wilkie, and others. Lots of fun, but I went to bed "early" both nights, wishing I was energetic enough to stay up til 4am like my first Wheatland 5 years ago.
Next weekend is Earthworks Harvest Gathering in Lake City at Seth Bernard's farm... all are welcome for some awesome music!!

more later...

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